Manjaro black desktop
Manjaro black desktop

manjaro black desktop

  • 2.10.3 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for LXQt.
  • 2.10.2 Install and use LightDM, the recommended display manager for LXQt.
  • 2.10.1 Install a basic LXQt environment.
  • 2.9.4 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.
  • manjaro black desktop

    2.9.3 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for lxde.2.9.2 Optional: Install and use LightDM, the recommended display manager for lxde.2.8.4 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.8.3 Optional: Install Manjaro themes for E.2.8.2 Optional: Install and use Entrance, the recommended display manager for E.2.7.5 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.7.4 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for Deepin.2.7.3 Optional: Install and use LightDM, the recommended display manager for deepin.2.7.2 Optional: Install the Deepin applications suite.2.7.1 Install a basic deepin environment.2.6.5 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.6.4 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for Cinnamon.2.6.3 Optional: Install and use LightDM, the recommended display manager for cinnamon.2.6.2 Optional: Install additional commonly used components.2.6.1 Install a basic Cinnamon environment.2.5.5 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.5.4 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for Budgie.2.5.3 Optional: Install and use LightDM, the recommended display manager for budgie.2.5.2 Optional: Install additional commonly used components.2.5.1 Install a basic Budgie environment.2.4.5 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.4.4 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for GNOME.2.4.3 Optional: Install and use GDM, the recommended display manager for GNOME.2.4.2 Optional: To install extra themes, games, and features.2.4.1 Install a basic GNOME environment.2.3.5 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.3.4 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for plasma.2.3.3 Optional: Install and use SDDM, the recommended display manager for KDE.2.3.2 Optional: Install KDE applications.2.3.1 Install a basic KDE Plasma environment.2.2.4 Create a new user for the new desktop environment.2.2.3 Optional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for Xfce.

    manjaro black desktop manjaro black desktop

    2.2.2 Optional: Install and use LightDM, the recommended display manager for Xfce.

    Manjaro black desktop